Friday, October 22, 2010

General Update

So I usually only update my NetworthIQ on a quarterly basis. I just did Q3 at the end of September. That said, I just updated it again. I can't believe how much the market has gone up this month. So much for sell in May and go away. I'm just so glad that I never took any money (barely) out of the market after September 2008. I've been fully in (while also building my cash position) the whole time, which has allowed me to recover A LOT of the value that I lost two years ago (on paper). I also wanted to update my NetworthIQ so (I am ashamed to admit this) I could resume the top position on the page that ranks networth in NY (I'm on the top of the 5th page). I am really motivated by moving up the list. I do not know why. I wish those other people success, but I guess it's just nice to have a visual way to be rewarded for saving more. Since it's not like anything really changes in my life when I save more money.

I'm also excited to try some new investing strategies. I'm going to open up a Lending Club account. I have also meant to buy some foreign currencies (being all-in on the dollar scares me) and maybe some gold. I'd like to buy shares in a REIT, but that's a little more complicated. I also think about buying some GLD. The last time I thought about this it was at 1K and today I saw it's at 1,300. Insane.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I'm stoked cause I just updated my Networth and passed a few people on NetworthIQ. Not that I don't wish them much prosperity and hapiness! But for some reason, I always focus on the people that are a few in front of me and it helps motivate me. I guess we have to use whatever works to motivate us to save!

Although this quarter was really strong due to the market, my savings were really low compared to every other quarter of the year so far. So, I'm going to try to be good in October. Although of course I have some "expenses"coming up. Such as Billy Elliot on Broadway, haha. Luckily all done with social security tax, so that gives me a big boost and this year it's for all of Q4. I also have probably close to $1,000 or more owed to me from my health insurance company. I'm always out of pocket about $1500 because I pay the doctor and they pay me back.